remove barley grains

Per 15 minutes l € 25.00

Small white hard bumps under the eye are usually barley grains. You cannot remove these yourself, because they are under your skin. During a facial we remove these annoying barley grains for you, but a separate treatment for barley grains is also possible.

Over onze remove barley grains behandeling

What are barley grains?

Usually the barley grains are in the face in places where the skin is a bit thinner. A barley grain is an accumulation of sebum under the skin. As a result, it cannot disappear itself and will only get bigger over time. A gestural grain is most common in dehydrated skin with a shortage of fats.


How do I get rid of my barley grain?

Do not try to remove these barley grains yourself at home, the grain usually remains and the skin is damaged. When removing a barley grain, it is important to work sterile and to cause minimal damage to the skin. We remove a barley grain with the help of a sterile needle. We perforate the skin, so that an open connection is created and with light pressure we guide the accumulation of sebum and cells to the outside. Make sure you exfoliate your skin at least twice a week at home to remove dead skin cells. This way you can prevent new barley grains from developing.

